Inner Sigma


Using a basket of 76 stocks with a holding period from Jan 1, 2000 through until Dec 31, 2018. Each position is allocated $5000 of capital and commissions are $0.01 per share per trade. This is the bench mark we use to measure relative performance of all our other backtests.


  All trades Long trades Short trades
Initial capital 380000.00 380000.00 380000.00
Ending capital 2876623.65 2876623.65 380000.00
Net Profit 2496623.65 2496623.65 0.00
Net Profit % 657.01% 657.01% 0.00%
Exposure % 99.64% 99.64% 0.00%
Net Risk Adjusted Return % 659.41% 659.41% N/A
Annual Return % 10.99% 10.99% 0.00%
Risk Adjusted Return % 11.03% 11.03% N/A
Total transaction costs 490.34 490.34 0.00

All trades 76 76 (100.00 %) 0 (0.00 %)
 Avg. Profit/Loss 32850.31 32850.31 N/A
 Avg. Profit/Loss % 654.99% 654.99% N/A
 Avg. Bars Held 4869.05 4869.05 N/A

Winners 69 (90.79 %) 69 (90.79 %) 0 (0.00 %)
 Total Profit 2507389.21 2507389.21 0.00
 Avg. Profit 36338.97 36338.97 N/A
 Avg. Profit % 724.68% 724.68% N/A
 Avg. Bars Held 4867.64 4867.64 N/A
 Max. Consecutive 19 19 0
 Largest win 232828.97 232828.97 0.00
 # bars in largest win 4883 4883 0

Losers 7 (9.21 %) 7 (9.21 %) 0 (0.00 %)
 Total Loss -10765.56 -10765.56 0.00
 Avg. Loss -1537.94 -1537.94 N/A
 Avg. Loss % -31.96% -31.96% N/A
 Avg. Bars Held 4883.00 4883.00 N/A
 Max. Consecutive 1 1 0
 Largest loss -3889.57 -3889.57 0.00
# bars in largest loss 4883 4883 0

Max. trade drawdown -205771.04 -205771.04 0.00
Max. trade % drawdown -98.27 -98.27 0.00
Max. system drawdown -722893.03 -722893.03 0.00
Max. system % drawdown -46.36% -46.36% 0.00%
Recovery Factor 3.45 3.45 N/A
CAR/MaxDD 0.24 0.24 N/A
RAR/MaxDD 0.24 0.24 N/A
Profit Factor 232.91 232.91 N/A
Payoff Ratio 23.63 23.63 N/A
Standard Error 313076.62 313076.62 0.00
Risk-Reward Ratio 0.42 0.42 N/A
Ulcer Index 11.01 11.01 0.00
Ulcer Performance Index 0.51 0.51 N/A
Sharpe Ratio of trades 0.12 0.12 0.00
K-Ratio 0.03 0.03 N/A



Just under a 12% annualized return which is quite good considering the testing period includes the dot com bubble bursting, the following bear market, the financial crisis and a few minor events.

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